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Friday, 21 October 2011

A very rare find indeed! CAPTAIN MARRYAT - THOR 1007 S 1974 PROG ROCK

Occassionally when you are searching through hundreds of old Jim Reeves & Abba LP's you come across a gem ......and here it is!!! The 1974 Self titled LP of the Glasgow Prog Rock band Captain Marryat. Recorded at Private studios on the THOR record label it was produced apparently in very limited numbers and given away at their gigs and therefore only a handful exisit, exactly how many I am not sure, but we are probably talking double figures. This copy is also in Excellent condition with surprsingly small amount of wear to the vinyl. It is currently live on ebay via Vinyl_Spurs and you can follow it by clicking on this link.
It certainly isn't going to win any awards for it's sleeve artwork but the music is rousing in a nostalgic prog 70's way and why the band were so short lived I don't know.
If you have any more information regarding the pressing or the band I would be interested to is certainly generating a lot of interest at the moment worldwide.
Watch this space.

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